2013 Session 10: Grassroots Fundraising as Organizing
2013 Anne Braden Anti-Racist Training Program
Session 10: Grassroots Fundraising as Organizing
Required Readings
- Andrea Smith, “Introduction: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded” from INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, eds., The Revolution Will Not Be Funded, Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. (19 page PDF*: Smith_Intro_Revolution_Will_Not_Be_Funded). (bio).
- Vicki Quatman, “Organizing and Fundraising: Sisters in the Struggle”. (9 page PDF: Quatman_Organizing_and_Fundraising). (bio).
- Kim Klein, “The Ten Most Important Things You Can Know About Fundraising”. (2 page PDF: Klein_10_Most_important_Things). (bio).
- Kim Klein, “Getting Over the Fear of Asking”. (4 page PDF: Klein_Getting_Over_the_Fear_of_Asking). (bio).
- philipe lonestar, compiler, “Fundraising is Organizing: 2008 Anne Braden Participant Reflections on Grassroots Fundraising”. (3 page PDF: ABP_Participants_Fundraising_is_Organizing). (bio).
- Paula X. Rojas, “Are the Cops in Our Heads and Hearts?” from INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, eds., The Revolution Will Not Be Funded, Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. (9 page PDF: Rojas_Are_the_Cops_in_Our_Heads). (bio).
Recommended Readings
- Kim Klein and Stephanie Roth, “8 ways to raise $2,500 (or more) in 10 days (or less, sometimes)”. (4 page PDF*: Klein_Roth_8_Ways_to_Raise_2500). (bio).
- Kim Klein, “Prospect Identification: You Already Know All the People You Need to Know To Raise All the Money You Want to Raise”. (4 page PDF: Klein_Prospect_Identification). (bio).
- Kim Klein, “The Fine Art of Asking For the Gift”. (4 page PDF: Klein_Fine_Art_of_Asking). (bio).
Readings are provided free for use by participants studying in the Anne Braden Training Program for Anti-Racist Organizers, a noncommercial, nonprofit educational program. We encourage everyone to buy the works from which excerpts have been taken – please support these authors and publishers.
Author Biographies
Kim Klein is internationally known as a fundraising trainer and consultant. She is a member of the Building Movement Project and leads workshops on tax policy and the importance of the “commons” for them as well as being a regular contributor to their website. She is the founder of the bimonthly Grassroots Fundraising Journal. She is also the author of Fundraising for Social Change, Fundraising for the Long Haul, which explores the particular challenges of older grassroots organizations, and Ask and You Shall Receive: A Fundraising Training Program for Religious Organizations or Projects, Raise More Money which she edited with her partner, Stephanie Roth, and Fundraising in Times of Crisis. Widely in demand as a speaker, Kim Klein has provided training and consultation in all 50 states and in 21 countries.
philipe lonestar is a German and English genderqueer born in Texas and raised in Georgia. Ze has worked for transgender liberation in student spaces, in the intimate network anti-violence movement, and in mental healthcare services for almost 10 years. philipe is currently learning how to be a fundraiser for collective liberation and a radical somatic art therapist. Ze is a proud member of the Bay Area Childcare Collective and loves bicycles, cats, aikido and sequins. philipe is an alum of the 2008 Anne Braden Program. Ze interned with Catalyst Project and compiled this document through a series of interviews with other 2008 Anne Braden alums.
Vicki Quatman is a longtime social justice organizer in the South. She has written widely on organizing and fundraising for the Grassroots Fundraising Journal. She wrote You Can Do It! A Volunteer’s Guide to Raising Money for your Group for the Appalachian Community Fund.
Paula X. Rojas is a member of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence. She has been involved in the founding and organizing of a number of low-income, working class women of color led organizations, including Sista II Sista, Pachamama, and the Community Birthing project. Sista II Sista is a Brooklyn-based collective of working-class young and adult Black and Latina women building together to model a society based on liberation and love. The organization is dedicated to working with young women to develop personal, spiritual, and collective power. They are committed to fighting for justice and creating alternatives to the systems they live in by making social, cultural and political change. Paula Rojas has played a leading role in the formation of the Another Politics is Possible Network in NYC that brought a large working class multiracial delegation to the U.S. Social Forum to participate in sessions about creating new movements in the U.S. from below and to the left.
Stephanie Roth is the co-director of the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) and the editor of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal. She has worked as a staff member, board member, volunteer and consultant with nonprofit organizations in the US and overseas since 1978, with an emphasis on grassroots, social justice organizations. She also facilitates meetings and retreats. She is the co-author of The Accidental Fundraiser and co-editor (with Kim Klein) of the anthology Raise More Money: The Best of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal. Prior to her work at GIFT, she was the founder and director of the Long Island Technical Assistance Center, and Co-Director of New York Women Against Rape. She holds a Masters of Science in Social Work from Columbia University. She currently lives in Berkeley, CA and serves on the board of A Jewish Voice for Peace.
Andrea Smith is a Cherokee intellectual, feminist, and anti-violence activist. Smith’s work focuses on issues of violence against women of color and their communities, specifically Native American women. Along with Nadine Naber, she cofounded INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence in 2000, and she is a member of INCITE!’s National Planning Committee. INCITE! is a national grassroots organization that engages in direct action and critical dialogue to end violence against women of color and their communities. Smith was also a founding member of the Boarding School Healing Project which “seeks to document Native boarding school abuses so that Native communities can begin healing from boarding school abuses and demand justice.” Smith has worked with Amnesty International, coordinating the research project on sexual violence and American Indian women. She is currently a professor of American Culture and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.
* Note: number of pages refers to pages within the PDF file to provide a sense of the download size, not the number of pages of readings included. Links to external web sites open in a new page.
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Program for white social justice activists