A Troublemaker’s Guide: Principles for Racial Justice Activists in the Face of State Repression

People standing in a single-file line with duct tape over their mouths and paper with non-visible text taped to the front of their shirts. Person at the front of the line holds a small poster that reads “BUILD A WALL OF RESISTANCE. DON’T TALK TO THE F.B.I.” and has long purple hair and a light skin tone. Below image a banner reads “A Troublemakers’ Guide: Principles for Racial Justice Activists In the Face of State Repression” and “CATALYST PROJECT.”

This guide discusses how and why the state uses violence and coercion to suppress social movements and how to resist it in ways that are aligned with our racial justice values.

If you’re a part of an organization and you’d like to order paper copies of the pamphlet at cost, and/or have Catalyst lead a workshop on the principles, please contact info@collectiveliberation.org



Catalyst Project organizes, trains, and mentors white activists and majority-white organizations to be bold, strategic and accountable anti-racist leaders as a part of multiracial movements for liberation. Support this work with a gift today.

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Catalyst Project: A Project of the Tides Center