
Catalyst Project organizes, trains, and mentors white activists and majority-white organizations to be bold, strategic and accountable anti-racist leaders as a part of multi-racial movements for liberation. 

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If you need to mail a gift by check, make payable to Catalyst Project, and mail to:
Catalyst Project
522 Valencia St. #2
San Francisco, CA 94110

For gifts by electronic transfer, or to make a gift of stock, please contact

Catalyst Project is a fiscally sponsored project of Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN#: 94-3213100. Your gift may be tax-deductible pursuant to ยง170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please visit for additional information.



Catalyst Project organizes, trains, and mentors white activists and majority-white organizations to be bold, strategic and accountable anti-racist leaders as a part of multiracial movements for liberation. Support this work with a gift today.

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Catalyst Project: A Project of the Tides Center